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Teacher engagement

What every teacher should know about AI

This is a poster that summarise what every teacher should know about AI. Facts about AI:
– It is not new and it is not magic
– It is based on statistics and probability (Maths!)
– It depends on data
– Data can represents habits, health, attitudes
– Systems powered by AI can give us answers on data never seen before
– Systems powered by AI can be wrong and sure of the wrong answer

Click here to download the framework

Teacher knowledge of emerging technologies

What’s behind teachers learning about emerging technologies? This framework tries to encompass all the different shades of teacher developing knowledge about a new technology.
TPCK (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge) but also
Ethics – While teachers are developing their understanding of an emerging technology, they cannot avoid questioning the impact and implication of such technology not only in their role as teachers but as 21st-century citizens.
Teacher role – The more teachers understand what’s behind the technology and its possible impact and implication for our society the more they begin to understand how paramount is their role as educators.

Click here to download the framework

Teacher engagement

This poster highlight what everyone should know when engaging with teachers on emerging technologies. Teachers should be considered as experts, designers, and learners. They need a bespoke learning programme that acknowledge teacher learning complexity and support in co-designing resources integrated with the curriculum.

Click here to download the framework

How to design a learning programme for teachers on AI

A good quality learning programme for teachers on AI should acknowledge teacher learning complexity, promote the design or co-design of curriculum on AI integrated with other subjects and be interactive, based on constructionism and design.

Click here to download the framework