Welcome to the online think-tank for primary school teachers, educators, and anyone willing to actively and creatively engage children and teachers to promote Artificial Intelligence and Data literacy and awareness.

being a digital learner in the era of AI and big data?

Being a digital learner does not only mean using technology and understanding technology, it is more than that. Being digital learners means being learners in an era where technology is used and understanding how it affects our lives. It means having the opportunity to learn how technology works and how to use technology to enhance creativity and critical thinking, to encourage collaborative real-world problem solving and to empower ethical, critical, and aware choices and actions
(NCCA, 2020)



Now more than ever it is paramount to engage children in quality learning opportunities that enable them to discover emerging technologies, to understand how they work, what is the implication on our lives and how we can use them for good.

This Project

This website is part of an Education and Public Engagement research with the aim of empowering teachers in promoting learning opportunities for children to develop key competencies and awareness of emerging technologies. This handbook is one of the outcomes of a Ph.D. study conducted by Enrica Amplo and supported and founded by Dublin City University and Insight Centre for Data Analytics. The handbook for teachers was co-designed with a group of teachers from PDST (Professional Development Service for Teachers) as part of a learning programme on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data conducted in 2022.

What You Can Find Here

On this website there are resources to support teachers in introducing AI to their children. There are videos of experts’ talks, a handbook for teachers with guidelines and activities and a collection of useful links and other resources available online.